Mon - Fri: 1400h to 1630h
Wed: 1000h to 1600h


Brief History

1. Prior to 1973, the office of Directorate Resettlement Central Zone was known as Command Liaison Office. In 1973 the office was re-designated as Directorate Resettlement Central Zone. Subsequently in May 1999 this Directorate was renamed as Directorate Resettlement Zone (Central) to carry out duties of Welfare and Rehabilitation of Ex-Servicemen (ESM) of 07 major states of India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Odisha and Uttarakhand).

2. However, owing to the large geographical expanse of the states under it’s jurisdiction wef Jun 2018, the states of Odisha and Uttarakhand have now been put under the jurisdiction of other Directorate Resettlement Zones. Presently, Directorate Resettlement Zone (Central) is directly responsible for management, inspection and monitoring of DGR Schemes in Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Located inside the main complex of Headquarters Central Command at Lucknow, Directorate Resettlement Zone (Central) functions under Directorate General Resettlement, New Delhi and is under the administrative control of Headquarters Central Command.

Role of Directorate Resettlement Central Zone

  • The Directorate Resettlement Zone (Central) functioning under the Directorate General Resettlement, New Delhi has a multifarious role, that are enumerated as follows :-
    • Act as a link between DGR and the environment in publicising, implementing and providing feedback of DGR Schemes and policies in the AOR of Central Zone ie Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh. 
    • Complete management and allotment of guards to Security Agencies in the land of Chhattisgarh, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.
    • Inspection and monitoring of Security Agencies for their functioning as per DGR guidelines and provide feedback in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.
    • Liaise with PSUs and other Government/ Quasi-Government bodies for employing the services of DGR empanelled security agencies.
    • Inspect Training Institutes conducting DGR Resettlement Courses in its AOR for their infrastructure, conduct of the courses and placement assistance to exsm as per DGR guidelines and provide feedback.
    • Inspect and recommend training institutes identified by DGR for resettlement training of exsm.
    • Inspect Coal Transportation Companies in its AOR for their functioning as per DGR guidelines and provide feedback.
    • Liaise with parallel agencies dedicated towards resettlement and welfare of exsm, including various private and public sector companies for creating job opportunities for exsm.
    • Reach out to exsm community through various forums for dissemination of information and get feedback.
    • Manage and regulate the selection of exsm for allotment of Mother Dairy booths in the state of UP.
    • Liaise with Corporate conglomerates and organise Job Seminars (as per DGR calender) to provide resettlement opportunities in corporate sector for exsm in the AOR of Central Command.

    Organisation & Directory 

    Mailing AddressDirectorate Resettlement Zone (central)Govt of India, Min of Defence,HQ Central Command,Lucknow – 226002



    Contact Details



    Brig Bikram Heeru

    Email id:

    Mobile No: 9935250101

    Tele No : 05222481192 ,2847 (Army)

    Joint Director

    (Adm & Trg)

    Lt Col Prashant Misra

    Email id :

    MobileNo: 9935250102

    Tele No : 05222482833 , 2376(Army)


    Bihar, Chhattisgarh,MP & UP

    Security Agency

    Bihar & Chhattisgarh

    Joint Director

    (Emp & Self Emp)

    Lt Col Priyank Srivastava

    Email id:

    Mobil No : 9935250103

    Tele No: 05222482833 , 2845(2378)

     Security Agency

    U.P & MP